
Soller Valley 2018

'Who is on top of this mountain?' As the evil eyes of the mountain goats stare at you

In the mountains around the Soller valley are many sheep whose clanging bells ring out in this case under the Almond Blossom. Acrylic on canvas 65cm x 54cm

The very first native style painting i did and was inspired by finding a huge canvas just waiting to be painted and by my love of First Nation Art. Acrylic on canvas (183cm x 153cm)

family of sheep intrigued by our presence as we entered Deia having walked from Soller. Acrylic on canvas 55cm x 45cm

On my walk from Soller to Deia i came across the procession of sheep clanging their bells and following their leader. Acrylic on canvas 50cm x 40cm Oct 2017

Donkey on holiday as they literarly just hang around waiting to work. There are no roads, or even cart tracks in parts of the mountains and donkeys do the labour of moving wood, stones etc. Not far away are the mountain sheep. Acrylic on canvas 50cm x 40cm Sept 2017

sheep grazing in the sun under the olive trees on the terraces in Soller Valley Majorca Acrylic on canvas , May 2017

inspired by First Nation art in Canada this diptych depicts a gecko climbing a white fence whilst the other surveys the ground. Acrylic on canvas (2 x 50cm x 40cm)

Flocks of birds often have a clear leader that shows the way and i set out to capture this in this painting. Acrylic on canvas 47cm x 40cm June 2017

This features a turtle flying below in the sea whilst birds fly above. Acrylic on canvas 50cm x 40cm

inspired by my trip to the mountain top. Acrylic on canvas