Inspirational Artists: Bill Reid
The British Columbian First Nations art is very different in style to that of the eastern provinces but it still is mystic, built on legends and relates to nature and culture. The totem poles around Stanley Park in Vancouver are simple but complex and are what many relate to as First Nation art.

Enter Bill Reid born in 1920 to a German/Scots/American father and Haida mother. He loved the traditional Haida art before he extended that into his jewellery writing, illustrations and art. The Haida form is so simple but complex and Reid introduced his own bestiary to this.
I first saw it in Vancouver in Stanley Park and when seeing his carvings and art was impressed by the way he captures the inner being of the subject. I have Reid books but love the simple card prints i picked up on my travels. Haida art has had a great influence in many of my native artworks.
My Reid cards are at the bottom of the page.