Sculpture - Casper John

Some years ago we stopped over at a friends house in South London and in the morning we all went to an Art Fair along his main road. We had no intention of buying anything and most of what was on offer wasn't that appealing except for one sculpture which both stood out and kept drawing us back. Well its no surprise we bought it and have had it in London ever since.
The sculpture was by a Casper John who we had never heard of nor could find much about but his card that came with the sculpture said he was from Rode which is close to Bath.

On our next weekend there we decided to look up Casper and see what he was doing and whetehre this was a one off or there was more. We found his studio just off the main street and found a working studio with all manner of objects in varying degrees of completion and the young man himself gave us a guided tour. I remember he was working on a large piece based on William Blake but which was for another taste. But again we bought another of his carvings (right). He also told us where a larger rendition of the one we originally bought was in outside residence in Bath (which we now pass and glimpse at every time we arrive).
Both revolver around a central steel shaft so offerring different light and shade and views from a stable base which you wouldn't wish to be lifting very often!
Many years later we have tried to track down Casper and his works but to no avial but we hope he is still working and being appreciated.