Umbrellas Over the Soller Square

During the challenging Covid initial period of 2020 Soller and Spain experienced a serve lockdown and festivals, and events across Mallorca were cancelled as people were effectively kept indoors. The one thing that did happen was the display of green, orange and yellow umbrellas that were suspended over the main square in Sóller to celebrate the rich agriculture and growing of oranges and lemons in the valley.
When we went in late July many tourists were obviously missing, masks were compulsory except on the beach but the town folk were still the same and the umbrellas caught the sun and added that sparkle to the square.
I have never painted anything as hard or cxomplex but i hope i have captured that brief period when the square was lit up by something so simple yet so engaging.
The port had blue and white umbrellas along th eparade on Repic beach but these only lasted one squall and came down.
Acrylic on canvas 61cm x 46cm